Frequently Asked Questions for Medical Marijuana in Virginia

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Yes, July 1, 2020, possession of authorized medical cannabis products by those registered to participate in the state’s program are provided explicit statutory legal protection.

Yes, there are four dispensaries open. Dharma Pharmaceuticals in Bristol, gLeaf in Richmond, Beyond-Hello in Manassas and Columbia Care in Portsmouth.

As of February 2021, four dispensaries are open. In 2017, Virginia approved a regulatory program for the in-state production of extraction-based medical cannabis products by five providers, initially, one per Health Service Area (HSA), who will grow, extract, dispense and deliver the products. These licensed providers​ are called “pharmaceutical processors” in Code and are simply vertically-integrated cannabis companies, meaning everything from growth through dispensation is done on one site by one company.

Additionally, 2020 legislation allows the licensed processors to open an additional five “cannabis dispensing facilities” (dispensaries) in their Health Service Area.

Patients must bring a valid, government issued ID, their medical cannabis card issued by the Virginia Board of Pharmacy, and a printed copy of their unexpired written certification.

Only patients and registered agents may enter the dispensary. Children, spouses, and aids are not permitted unless they are registered.

A “90-day supply.” This is ultimately determined by the pharmacist in consultation with the patient.

Please visit How to Register for more information.

Fee is $50 for patients; $25 for parent/legal guardian or registered agent.

  1. Completed Certification from a registered practitioner
  2. Proof of Patient’s Residency
  3. Proof of Patient’s Identity
  4. Proof of Patient’s Age
  5. Proof of Parent/Guardian Residency
  6. Proof of Parent/Guardian Identity
  7. Proof of Parent/Guardian Age

Phone: (804) 367-4444
Fax (804) 527-4472
Virginia Board of Pharmacy
Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 300
Henrico, VA 23233-1463

Is this only for oils?

No, SB1557 clarifies that “any formulation” may be dispensed. Patients can expect to see preparations like capsules, sprays, tinctures, oils, creams, gels, lozenges, patches, troches, suppositories, lollipops, and inhalation products.
Legislation is pending to allow the dispensing of botanical medical cannabis. Should Governor Northam approve the measures, sales are expected to begin as early as September 2021.

Please contact the MMCP by phone at 1-833-464-6627, or by email at with your first name, last name, date of birth and preferred email address for your Registry profile so that a new registration link can be sent to you. Please refrain from submitting any additional identifying information.

As of February 2021, products allowed under the program are limited to extraction-based preparations.

Legislation is pending to allow the dispensing of botanical medical cannabis. Should Governor Northam approve the measures, sales are expected to begin as early as September 2021.

Yes, edible products are available.

No, doctors in the US cannot “prescribe” medical cannabis, but they can recommend it. Virginia practitioners ​issue written certifications​, not prescriptions.

Yes, psychoactive means to affect the brain. Psychoactive ​does not​ explicitly mean intoxicating, psychotropic or hallucinogenic.

The consensus at NORML is that the conclusion reached by the ATF and Justices of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is based on a broad interpretation of a 1968 federal law forbidding the sale of firearms to those considered an “unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.” At this point in time, no state is engaged in the sharing of data related to state-sanctioned activities of medical cannabis patients. So, unless a person responds “yes” to the question regarding their marijuana use on the NICS background check, the federal government has no real way to enforce this outdated law.

Furthermore, since the passage of Rohrabacher-Farr, the DOJ cannot use federal funds to prosecute medical cannabis patients who are engaged in the state-sanctioned activity.

  1. Don’t consume your cannabis medicine in public.
  2. Don’t take it out of your home unless absolutely necessary.
  3. Keep your patient registration card with your cannabis medicine at all times.
  4. If you must travel with your cannabis medicine, place it in a locked container in your trunk.
  5. Don’t drive impaired. Ever.
  6. Don’t post on social media about your cannabis medicine.

$179 Renewal fee. Sign up fee costs $199 for the first year.